Monday, July 13, 2009

Ocean's Swimming!!!!

Who knew Ocean was such a little competitor????????

The first video is Ocean doing the freestyle, and she is second from the top and blows everyone out of the water!

The second one is the backstroke...she is second from the bottom of the screen, and yes, she comes in first again!!!!!!!!

Swimming 2009!!!!!!

Well, we missed tons of pictures of the baseball season because Todd missed a lot of games due to work, and I was in the dugout helping. We promise to post some pictures our friends took in a couple of days. For now, you can enjoy these pics and videos of the kids at their swim meets. It is their first year, and so far they love it so much they want to join a year-round swim team...who knew!

The cute picture of Vincent is for those of you who don't believe he got a short haircut!!PROOF!!!

The first video is of Vincent doing the breast stroke. He is at the top of the screen and comes in second. The second video is of Vincent doing the freestyle and he is second from the top, and he places first! Go Vincent!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching you up again!

10 Years Old!!!!!!!!!

What is going on? Ocean turned 8 in January, and then Vincent turned 10 in February! This is all going by way too fast!

During Vincent's birthday, he was in the midst of his basketball season, so we made him a gigantic basketball birthday cake. Just like Ocean's birthday, we celebrated once as a family and then once with family friends.

Thanks to CraigsList we found a 14 foot trampoline for a great price! The kids love it and even Todd and I have spent more time jumping on it than we thought we would. Todd and I however are just scared enough to only jump up and down (see the video). The kids, on the other hand, have no fear and do stunts! I hope this is not our summer for a broken bone! We have already seen enough of the inside of a hospital for the year 2009...

Vincent recently had an appendectomy. He had a low grade fever for a few days, and then came home early from school one day with a "stitch" in his side. We wound up in the ER at 8:00pm, had a CT scan at 12:00 am, and surgery at 1:00 am. He is fine now, but he reports his belly button feels weird from the laproscopic surgery. Hopefully, that is our only medical event this year!!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Long Times Since the Last One...

A beautiful 8 year old smile!!

Gertie and Lolli letting Vincent share the chair!

Putting the Star on Top....Everybody gets a turn!

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Almost Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Since we are still tying to catch everyone up on all the kids' stuff we thought we'd get you ready for Halloween with last year's pictures! Vincent was Elvis and Ocean was a Princess...we were trying to think of all of Vincent's Halloween costumes since he was born, and the list goes like this: a pumpkin, a bunny rabbit, Thomas the Tank Engine (2 years), a Firefighter, Steve Irwin, John Lennon, and Elvis. What a progression! This year he is dressing up as his favorite Cardinals player, Albert Pujols. He's got his own fake facial hair to wear, and he's very excited. (He has also been checking his upper lip lately to see if he's getting a moustache....that's a story for another blog entry!)

In years' past, Ocean has been a ladybug, Tigger, A Sunflower Fairy, and a Princess (3 years). This year she is going to be a Rock Star...we are currently in negotiations over what the outfit will look like! She recorded the song Rainbow Connection with her Daddy this last weekend to get in the mood! I am sad to retire the Princess Dress!

Todd and I will be dressed up as the tired parents trying to keep up with them...same as last year!

Have a Happy Halloween, everyone!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Old Pictures...New to You!!

Last February, Todd and Ocean went to a Father Daughter Dance at her school. Ocean was over the moon. We had to buy her first "prom dress" and curl her hair into ringlets. She and Daddy had a great time and she loves looking at these pictures. She also loved having her Daddy to herself for the whole night, and showing her daddy off to all of her friends.

The first picture is from Christmas Eve 2007. Every year, we make popcorn and hot chocolate and watch The Polar Express together...then the kids pass out in our bedroom so we can all wake up together on Christmas morning. We can't wait for the next holiday's right around the corner!

Monday, August 25, 2008

 I said, I have a hard time keeping up with keeping in contact and everyone updated. School has begun, and I decided to include a whole host of pictures from our summer fun! This summer we went to the Indianapolis Zoo and got to pet real sharks...we also saw giant hippos, giraffes, and elephants. The kids had a great day even though it was sweltering outside. Vincent and Ocean both fell asleep on the way home (that hardly ever happens anymore!) The first week of August we took the kids to Saint Louis to see the Gateway Arch and catch a St. Louis Cardinals game. The kids had a blast... we had 2 rain delays, big league hot dogs, the game went 11 innings, there were 2 homeruns by the Cards, and the Cards won! We also got to sing "Take me out to the Ball Game" and the kids were introduced to the crowd pleasing wave!!! Incredibly fun summer, and not it's all business at school!!!!!!!!!